Our mission

An initiative that promotes the right of every woman, man, girl and boy to enjoy quality health and equal opportunity using a culturally sensitive approach

Make donations

We have always looked to our Donors and without them, REACH wouldnt have accomplished what they have these past years

Help & support

All kinds of help and support are welcome as we the community together all serve to change for the better

Our Projects

As the REACH Programme grows gradually, the projects also develop, as an NGO, we have established the first radio Station in Bukwo District in Uganda

The Foundation


The REACH Programme

At a glance

Our Projects

Sabiny FM Radio

The First radio station to be established in Bukwo district Courtesy of the REACH Programme. The radio station that has exposed the Sebei people in Bukwo to multimedia, has made marketing easier as well as general Communication.


The Government of the Republic Uganda secured funding from African Dévelopment Bank (ADB) though Uganda National Roads Authority to finance construction of Kapchorwa-Suam road Project

Royal vocational Institute

The Royal Vocational Institute, an Institute was launched in 2018 which is focused on skilling people in the eastern region that have been challenged in failure to access the skills they need to develop and earn a living.

The Annual Culture Day

This is an Annual event that has been running for over the past decade celebrating culture and also the continuous fight against FGM and Gender Based violence.

Our Sponsors