FGM Free African Coffee

Premium High Quality Arabica Coffee

The FGM Free Coffee pilot Project an initiative of the REACH Programme with experience working in the area of Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women with proven capacity has developed and is implementing the project to increase access to justice for survivors of VAWG in the Sabiny & Karamoja regions in the districts of Kapchorwa, Kween, Amudat , Moroto, Nakapiripirit and Bukwo in Eastern Uganda.


The objectives of the project are:

a) To realize an enabling legislative and policy environment in line with international standards on EVAW and Women's Access to and utilization of economic resources.

b) To reduce social tolerance to VAWG focusing on FGM and child marriage; and c) To increase the use of available accessible and quality essential services by women and girls who experience violence


The project is aimed at reducing social tolerance for VAWG focusing on FGM and increasing access to economic activities to girls/ families prone to FGM and other forms of VAWG.