We are an NGO that has spearheaded the fight against gender based violence.


The REACH Programme started in 1996 as a joint venture brainchild of United Nations Population Fund and Government of Uganda (UNFPA/GoU) in following up on the 1994 ICPD. The purpose was to address FGM in Kapchorwa District (now split to include Bukwo and Kween). Earlier implementation was by the District Local Government, but UNFPA/GoU supported its transition into a fully pledged NGO in 2007.

The approach used by REACH focused on adopting an integrated community based, culturally sensitive and persuasive ways aimed at isolating the harmful practice of genital mutilation and promoting the good cultural values of the initiation/transition into womanhood.

Organization overview

Vision- A society free from all forms of harmful traditional practices by 2020

Mission - An initiative that promotes the right of every woman, man, girl and boy to enjoy quality health and equal opportunity using a culturally sensitive approach

Goal- To enhance reproductive health conditions, human rights, HIV/AIDS and Sexual Gender Based Violence prevention, care for orphans, widows and FGM victims in communities that practice FGM.


Achievements and awards

REACH, together with the partners at all levels has achieved the following:

 Received UNFPA American Friends Board of Advocates Award 2010,

 Received the Day of the African Child Award 2013 by Tumaini.

 Working with Parliament of Uganda, pushed for the Anti-FGM Act, 2010.

 Joined the BANFGM worldwide campaign across Uganda, Africa, Europe and the UN in New York from 2004-2012.

 In partnership with the Sabiny Elders Association received UN Population Award 1998.

 Sabiny FM community radio establishment in Bukwo funding from the Netherlands Embassy reaching Karamoja and parts of the north western Kenya.

 Mobilization of local leaders for 9 years to pass ordinance/bye-laws against FGM in all sub-counties of Kapchorwa and the local Government( From 2000- 2009)

Monitoring, coordinating and reporting of FGM activities

All projects funded by various donors were implemented accordingly. The Director General of the REACH Programme together with the project offi cers took the lead in supervising and ensuring that the projects' acti viti es were carried out as planned. The Deputy Director and the Monitoring and Evaluati on Offi cer, monitored and did on spot visits and fi nal reports for projects implemented. The Media and Documentati on Offi cer and the Administrator were charged with the responsibility of popularizing what happened in the fi eld over radio and recorded testi monies for public consumpti on. This helped in passing out informati on to those in hard to reach areas. At district level coordinators were responsible for mobilizati on and coordinati on with the community leaders and community mobilizers for all acti viti es implemented under this partnership. The coordinators made acti vity reports with the help of the M&E officer.

Our mission

An initiative that promotes the right of every woman, man, girl and boy to enjoy quality health and equal opportunity using a culturally sensitive approach

Make donations

We have always looked to our Donors and without them, REACH wouldnt have accomplished what they have these past years

Help & support

All kinds of help and support are welcome as the community we all serve to change for the better keeps growing

Our Projects

As the REACH Programme grows gradually, the projects also develop, as an NGO, we have established the first radio Station in Bukwo District in Uganda

Our Team

Chelangat Beatrice

Director General and CO-Founder

Francis Mangusho

Monitoring and Evaluation Officer

Peter Kamuron

Vice - Chaiperson